
그누보드 5 인젝션 취약버젼 사용하시는분

by lanian posted May 08, 2014


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Sql injection 관련 보안 이슈가 있었군요.

발표된지는 좀 된거같은데

업데이트 안하신분들은 보안패치하세요 *-*


Advisory: GNUboard SQL Injection Vulnerability
Author: claepo.wang@dbappsecurity.com.cn
Affected Version: GNUboard5(the latest version)
Vendor URL: http://sir.co.kr/
Vendor Status: Unfixed(I know little about Koreani¼Œso i do not know how to describe this vul to the vendor.)

Vulnerability Description

Recently, I found several vulnerabilities in the famous Korean forum program - the GNUboard.

Vulnerable file: /bbs/ajax.autosave.php

include_once('./_common.phpa€™);//global a€?filter' on $_GET,$_POST,$_COOKIE,$_REQUEST

if (!$is_member) die('0a€™);//member login

$uid = trim($_REQUEST['uid']); //current user id
$subject = trim(stripslashes($_REQUEST['subject'])); //stripslashes ignores the global filter causes a SQL Inj.
$content = trim(stripslashes($_REQUEST['content'])); //same above

if ($subject && $content) {
$sql = " select count(*) as cnt from {$g5['autosave_table']} where mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}' and as_subject = '$subject' and as_content = '$content' ";
$row = sql_fetch($sql); //the bad str($subject|$content) insert into sql query

if (!$row['cnt']) {
$sql = " insert into {$g5['autosave_table']} set mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}', as_uid = '{$uid}', as_subject = '$subject', as_content = '$content', as_datetime = '".G5_TIME_YMDHIS."' on duplicate key update as_subject = '$subject', as_content = '$content', as_datetime = '".G5_TIME_YMDHIS."' ";
$result = sql_query($sql, false); // database select

echo autosave_count($member['mb_id']);


1. Login as a member

2. GET http://target/bbs/ajax.autosave.php?content=1&subject=1[inj_exp]
{exp can be found on my server: http://pandas.pw/gnuboard.exp}
3. Page returns 1062 : Duplicate entry ~admin~*FF6F916236F4FFEE8FADD21EC20216C5C3A04E50~1' for key 'group_keya€™ .

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    Luatic™ 2014.05.08 15:40
    흠 루아틱 내에 그누보드 사용자가 손가락에 꼽힐 정도로 적어서.. 아무튼 좋은 정보입니다..


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